Brushed Up Vintage offers free consultations, one-on-one assistance, and custom painting services.
Consultations: Painting your furniture yourself is one of the most affordable ways to update your space. We want you to love the process and your finished project! We can answer all your questions about technique, color selection, materials, tools and more. Consultations are by appointment and are held at Brushed Up Vintage Studio in Arden, DE or Opera House Arts & Antiques in New Castle, DE.
One-on-One Assistance: Come paint with us! If you need a place to paint, or just aren't sure how to get started, schedule a one or two day session in our studio. We'll work with you to ensure your project looks just the way you want!
Custom Painting: No time? Love the look of painted furniture but not the process? We'll paint for you! You pick the color, we'll do all the work. Reach out to let us know how we can help.